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「Coming together to fight the epidemic」 Your mask is stepping up production-Guizhou junjiang industrial co, Ltd.
"If it doesn't work here, quickly contact Spain to find a suitable manufacturer..." "Yes, our staff has arrived in Vietnam, we must first determine whether the product quality meets the standards..."
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Xingyi: Junjiang Industrial's production line runs at full horsepower, daily production of 48,000 masks
After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new type of coronavirus, citizens' awareness of protection continued to increase, and the demand for masks doubled.
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Eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and build a strong line of defense
Eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and build a strong line of defense
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What is the situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic this autumn and winter?
Representative of public health workers, chief expert of epidemiology, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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Urgent notice on further strengthening the prevention and control of the recent epidemic
Recently, new crown pneumonia epidemics have occurred in some areas one after another, which has aroused widespread public concern. In order to carry out the normalization of epidemic prevention and control of "external defense input, internal prevention rebound" carefully and consistently, and continue to consolidate the results of epidemic prevention and control, the urgent notice to further strengthen the recent epidemic prevention and control work is as follows:
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