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Xingyi: Junjiang Industrial's production line runs at full horsepower, daily production of 48,000 masks

Xingyi: Junjiang Industrial's production line runs at full horsepower, daily production of 48,000 masks

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  • Time of issue:2020-10-13
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(Summary description)After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new type of coronavirus, citizens' awareness of protection continued to increase, and the demand for masks doubled.

Xingyi: Junjiang Industrial's production line runs at full horsepower, daily production of 48,000 masks

(Summary description)After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new type of coronavirus, citizens' awareness of protection continued to increase, and the demand for masks doubled.

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-13
  • Views:

After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new type of coronavirus, citizens' awareness of protection continued to increase, and the demand for masks doubled. Recently, the reporter learned that Guizhou Junjiang Industrial Co., Ltd., located in Red Star Industrial Park, Maling Street Office, Xingyi City, Qianxinan Prefecture, has been producing around 48,000 masks per day and is included in the supply of national medical and health insurance.



Walking into the production workshops of Guizhou Junjiang Industrial Co., Ltd., all of them are clean workshops. The reporter saw from the window that the operators were busy in clean clothes, masks and hats. "After the outbreak of the epidemic, we received a notice from the government that we would call all workers to resume production on the 28th and 29th of the twelfth lunar month. However, because many workers have already returned to their hometowns, we did not officially implement a 24-hour three-shift operation until the second day of the new year. ." said Zou Gang, general manager of Guizhou Junjiang Industrial Co., Ltd.



At present, the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection has entered a critical period, and various protective materials are facing a large gap. Based on the sudden domestic demand for these products, Junjiang Industrial is also actively cooperating with overseas medical protective equipment companies. Communicate, seek sources of goods, and make every effort to guarantee the needs of epidemic prevention and control. "At present, we have received a notice from the state government to go all out to ensure the supply of medical supplies. Governments at all levels are now actively helping us solve the problem of raw materials and equipment docking in various aspects. At the same time, we will introduce With three production lines, N95 masks and medical surgical masks can be produced at the same time. The daily volume can reach about 300,000, which can be reached before the fifteenth of the first lunar month. "Zou Gang is confident in guaranteeing the next raw materials and quantity of masks.



Faced with the dilemma that it is difficult for ordinary people to buy masks in the market, Zou Gang also urged citizens not to worry too much about this problem: "I also call on citizens not to worry. With the strong leadership and support of the government, the shortage of masks will surely be solved soon. problem."

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